A&B International Hospital - Hospital in Pokhara, Nepal

A&B International Hospital is a Hospital in Pokhara, Nepal. The address of A&B International Hospital is Sarangkot Rd, Pokhara 33700, Nepal. The phone number of A&B International Hospital is +977 980-6540919.

Details Information of A&B International Hospital

A&B International Hospital

Name: A&B International Hospital

Specialty / Type: Hospital

Phone Number for Appointment: +977 980-6540919

Address: Sarangkot Rd, Pokhara 33700, Nepal


Location: Pokhara, Nepal


A&B International Hospital Doctor List

The best specialist doctor list of A&B International Hospital is updated with doctors specialty and qualifications.

For any more information about A&B International Hospital, please call this +977 980-6540919 number. You will be able to know how to book an appointment or get consultation from A&B International Hospital. You can also ask for specialist doctors list in A&B International Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal by calling this phone number +977 980-6540919.

A&B International Hospital –

Specialist Doctors of A&B International Hospital:

A&B International Hospital is listed in Nepali Doctors website. You can find more Specialist Doctors Information, Hospital and Doctors Chamber in Pokhara, Nepal and from our website.

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